Product Data Manager

Download all product data as a package and save valuable time! With the Product Data Manager you can easily download many different product data in just 3 steps. You can also create and download a customized product data list.
Download all available product downloads (CAx data, documents, etc.) for the selected products quickly and easily here. This saves you a lot of time compared to individual downloads.
Create an individual attribute data list for the selected products quickly and easily and download it in Excel format.
1. Add Products
Add the item numbers of the products by separating multiple item numbers with commas (max. 50 products). Copy & paste from Excel or from e-mails with line breaks is also possible. Confirm this with "Add products". You can also add saved articles or import an Excel file.
Add the article numbers of the products for which you need product data. Separate multiple item numbers with commas (max. 50 products).
Add Products
max. 50
2. Select Product Data
Select the desired product data and the required file formats.
The available product downloads will be displayed after adding products
+ more
3. Download Product Data
We will send you a download link by email, which you can use to download all the product data you want.
max. 50