Configurador no disponible

El configurador no está disponible para resolución de pantalla de dispositivo móvil.

Dummy title

Dummy content
M12 sobremoldeado sin apantallamiento: 
AssemblyJSON: {"addLabel":[],"characteristics":null,"view":{"type":"explosion"},"configid":"","assembly":[{"CS":"CABLE","termination":"","fclass":"CONNECTOR","parent":"1","ref":"CABLE_A","file":"","matnr":"","id":"2","position":""}],"addComponent":[],"language":"es","cable":{"termination":"","fclass":"CABLE","parent":".","color":"","length":"","description":"","matnr":"","CS":"CSYS_SVS","ref":"-","file":"","diameter":"","id":"1","position":"","tolerance":"","conductors":""},"export":[]}
Cable LIYY 5 x 0,34mm² PVC
Cable LIYY 5 x 0,34mm² PVC
00 00 752 600
Cable LI9Y 5 x 0,34mm² PUR
Cable LI9Y 5 x 0,34mm² PUR
00 00 752 800
Cable LI9Y 3 x 0,34mm² PUR
Cable LI9Y 3 x 0,34mm² PUR
00 00 872 600
Cable LI9Y 4 x 0,34mm² PUR
Cable LI9Y 4 x 0,34mm² PUR
00 00 873 100
Cable LIYY 3 x 0,34mm² PVC
Cable LIYY 3 x 0,34mm² PVC
00 00 873 200
Cable LIYY 4 x 0,34mm² PVC
Cable LIYY 4 x 0,34mm² PVC
00 00 873 300

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